Friday, November 28, 2014

Grounding for Clarity and Increased Performance + Short Meditation

Do you consider yourself a 'head' person? Someone, who is strong in your intellectual thinking capacity, analytic, dynamic, and rational? And, do you often forget to ground into your body and get your feelings into the mix of you decision making?

It's a common self-sabotage pattern for head-heavy people, to get over energized in their thinking and ideas that it creates confusion instead of forward movement. Top it off with the stress, performance and creativity needed to build and run your own business, or being in the seat of responsibility of a larger organization, this confusion pattern can feel devastating - like a thick fog that's holding us back from taking the next step towards our business goal and vision.

In the below short 10 minute video I speak on this topic and share a short meditation with you to help you get grounded, gain clarity and avoid sabotaging yourself by creating unnecessary confusion. All you really need to know is to take one little step today towards your goal, and then trust in the process.

Feel free to share below. Do you recognize this confusion pattern in yourself? In which situations do you tend to feel confused? Do you see a pattern in your own behavior? Are there certain triggers that make you feel more confused? Observe yourself for the next week and write down any of your observations of confusion.

You don't need to see the whole staircase, just take the next step

I highly recommend doing this short meditation when you start to feel confusion setting in. Please, let me know if you find it helpful. If it is useful to you, feel free to add it to your toolbox of techniques to support yourself in becoming the best leader you can be.

Go get 'em! With love and light,


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