Friday, December 6, 2013

In The End, Only Three Things Matter


The quote I picked for today is very much in line with my personal journey of shedding my ego and personality, which I am aware of, are blockages to love. I am working on clearing my learned behaviors - all learned in an attempt to protect myself from hurt and pain. And in this sweet dance I created to keep my little pained heart from experiencing more pain, I shut out the world. It was a good tool at the time, but it is not a fitting longterm solution for me - as love is my path. I choose love. And I have come to learn that love is indeed a choice.

As I read the globally spanning obituaries of Nelson Mandela's passing yesterday, what I read is a man, who truly learned to choose love. To forgive. Let go. And chose to love the people of the world - the good & the challenging. That is my aim.

Bon weekend everyone! And, love lots. xx

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