How do you plan on taking flight in 2015?
'And the day came when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom'~ Anais Nin
As a culture, we love to set New Year’s intentions at the marking of a new year. I think this is a wonderful tradition, and the truth is every moment is an opportunity for us to set new intentions and new standards for ourselves. Giving us the opportunity to create the lives we want to live.
But for a moment, let’s play along with the New Year’s intention…
Take inventory of 2014
Taking a quick inventory of the year past can work wonders and bring awareness to both what we do not want more of in our lives, and therefore can leave behind in 2014, as well as what we do want more of.
What do you want to leave behind in 2014?
Take out pen and paper, and make a list. This can be specific projects, or tasks in a project, which drain you, rather than uplift you. It can be people, who you are feeling drained by, or who brings conflict rather than creation and good energy. It can be less than self-caring eating habits. A needed change or fine-tuning of exercise routines, or trying a new and more self-nurturing way to stay fit. Psychological ways of being that is no longer serving you. States of mind that self-sabotage. Decisions you make, which do not bring you happiness.
2015 Intentions
Make a list of what you want more of in 2015. What worked for you in 2014? This can be the kind of people, who really make a difference in your life – what are the concrete personality traits that make these people so desirable to you? (Ex. visionary, kind, creative, open-minded, supportive, stable, reliable, positive and so forth). Which activities make you feel expanded and automatically drawn to? Which projects do you really like working on, and what are the concrete tasks and responsibilities you thrive on? What wasn’t present at all for you in 2014 that you really want in your life this year?
Once you have created your two lists. Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths and then visualize that with your exhale you release all the items you want to leave behind. Let them disintegrate. Make the choice to not let these things take any more of your thoughts and time. It can truly be this simple.
Then, read over your list of 2015 Intentions again. The key to your successful 2015 is to place all your focus, energy and time on all the great, desirable, passionate, kind and loving things you want to bring more into life in 2015. Schedule these priorities into your day. Place high importance on these items, so you can create them in your life. It will only happen if you take new action.
Under each point on your 2015 intentions list, write the concrete action you will take to give yourself the life you want in 2015!
Happy creating.
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