Monday, May 18, 2015

Be A Goal Digger

Using archery as a metaphor for a goal digging business process, what is your target? You'll understand this metaphor better once you watch the video of the week.

How is your inner state? Your mental strength, body strength and control, muscle strength? Good archers both cardio and strength train several times per week. My secret sauce was to use visualization and mental training techniques prior to a big competition. The team would withdraw to a quiet place, and our coach, who was the Danish National Team Coach and my dad Gynther Brügmann, would guide us through a visualization, where we worked through the perfect shot; the prefect hitting our goal - from mental inner states, to which muscles we used to pull the string on the bow, our focused eye on the target, how we released the string - the full movement is highly important from start to finish, how you move and hold your arm and hand after the release as a movement is in context and can play a huge role in the direction of your arrow. Following the arrow with your eye all the way to the target as you see the arrow plant itself at the absolute center. Every single movement and mental state is of high importance for an overall successful result. I still use both visualization and mental training techniques for performance and business. It works. Try it out if you haven't.

How are your energy management skills? An archery competition takes an entire weekend divide over 2 days of 6 hours each. You need to manage your energy over time. Observe yourself. Are you wasting your energy on small talk with draining people between shoots? Are you ensuring good mental practices, good food and hydration practises between rounds of shooting? Are you using food as both body and brain fuel throughout the competition? Did you get rest and good sleep the night before? What did you eat the days leading up to the competition? How is your psychological and emotional states? What are you doing to manage these to set yourself up for success? Developing good habits everyday ensures good practices when it counts.

If we switch archery out with business - which inner and outer factors play important roles in you reaching your desired business goal? Identify those. Write them down. Be aware of them. What is your skill level regarding each of these areas that can stand in your way of reaching your goal? Where do you need to grow? Set yourself up for the most successful outcome to reach your goal.

Be a goal digger. Take responsibility for the process. Small steps. Not perfection. Go big!

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