Friday, April 19, 2013

Markedsføringsdagen 2013 [The Marketing Day] - Copenhagen

This year's annual one-day conference in Copenhagen on June 12th, 2013 offers 20 inspiring speakers, 12 tracks and a network of more than 300 marketing professionals primarily from the Nordic countries. 

I will be speaking on a favorite topic of mine: psychological drivers behind building social currency via social media - this talk will be particularly focused on Twitter, which has not yet won over the Danish social media users as it has the rest of the world -  predictions are indicating an increased importance of Twitter in Denmark over the next years. So now is the time to get involved and build your Twitter presence. See you there!

11:40 - 12:10
 – chose between 4 tracks
Track H: Twitter as social currency in a digital world
Sandja Brügmann, chief creative strategist, REFRESH agency
When a brand has high social currency on social media platforms they also have a higher success rate and likelihood in driving and inspiring behavioral change, engagement, peer recommendations and thus leads and sales. This talk will focus on the human psychological drivers behind building social currency with Twitter.

Full program
Link to digital program and registration here.

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