Sunday, August 26, 2012

Creating Art with Waste

Every time I walk by this wall at the office - a wall made from discarded cell phones - it makes me smile at the creatively genius way of communicating artfully about the current state of our throw-away society.  A major plus for taste & style, re-cycling, re-using. up-cycling, re-furbishing.


Unknown said...

We are current followers on twitter. I thought that I would check out your website. You have some amazing articles that peak my interest.
I love this article on recycling to create some beautiful art. Other sustainable articles are also heartfelt. It gladdens my heart to see “green “worldwide progress. In fact, I added it to my RSS feed. Thank you for sharing such wonderful information on green living.. Your information inspired an upcoming article on my site:
A Twitter follower:

Refresh Agency said...

Thank you for your wonderful comment Mary, and I am sorry for the tardy response. happy holidays to you and your family! My best, Sandja