Your happiness and fulfillment is your responsibility.
Wouldn't it be freeing if you could get yourself out of victim stage, and take full responsibility for creating the passionate & purpose-filled business and life that will rock your world! (Short video talk).
What do you think of my suggested way to relate to happiness and fulfillment?
What do you think of my suggested way to relate to happiness and fulfillment?
Do you experience any .... '..but so and so is so irritating and is the reason I am not happy...' or 'I cannot create the business and life I want, because I don't have the time, money, skills .... ' or because your mom looked at you with mean piercing eyes when you were 5, and you made it mean that you were dumb, and should shut up - and that is still the underlying belief that unconsciously runs your life.
Stepping out of blame and into personal responsibility is not necessarily easy. You have to be ready to let go of blame everywhere in your life. It might require deep healing around certain very painful experiences, and I am here as a personal example. It IS doable. And it is so FREEING.
When we are fully the cause of our life, and how we react to everything that shows up, because life is life and with it come experiences of all sorts that we cannot control. But you can control your happiness by how you create your life, who you let into it, where you place your priorities, and how you show up on the one side; and on the other hand, how you relate to what happens around you, and the MEANING you give it.
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