Monday, June 11, 2012

A Visit to Danish Organic Family Farm SØRIS

I visited Søris, one of Denmark's largest organic farms, on a lovely sunny Summer day. The rolling hills, forest and farmland that met me awoke a dream I have of living in a remote and peaceful nature area, someday….  perhaps on the island of Bornholm, where I was born and raised.

Words such as respect for nature, innovative growth and curiosity are some of the reasons Søris is an organic farm – a synergy found in why I [Refresh Agency] serve clients such as Søris.

Søris calls themselves preservers of nature, which is an acknowledgement that we do not own nature, but that we only borrow nature from our descendants. Søris won the Danish Food Prize of the year in 2008. 

You can visit them here and if you are ever in their area by Ølstykke on Sjælland in Denmark, their farm boutique is packed with delicious, fresh fruits and veggies,  - and a friendly smile.

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